
Monday, December 5, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Mandala art

"The Rivers Of Belief" Take me back to the rivers of belief Take me back to the rivers of belief my friend I look inside my heart I look inside my soul I promise you I will return And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal silence covered the sky Take me back to the rivers of belief Take me back to the rivers of belief my friend I look inside my heart I look inside my soul I'm reaching out for you Lets hope one day We'll rest in peace on my rivers of belief Enigma

Irises, Vincent van Gogh

"The Rivers Of Belief" Take me back to the rivers of belief Take me back to the rivers of belief my friend I look inside my heart I look inside my soul I promise you I will return And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal silence covered the sky Take me back to the rivers of belief Take me back to the rivers of belief my friend I look inside my heart I look inside my soul I'm reaching out for you Lets hope one day We'll rest in peace on my rivers of belief Enigma

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch: [ˈvɪnsɛnt ˈʋɪləɱ vɑŋ ˈɣɔx] 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist artist who emerged as one of the most famous figures in the history of Western art after his death. In only a decade, Van Gogh created a prolific body of more than 2,000 works of art. Most of his 1,100 drawings and works on paper and nearly 900 oil paintings were produced during the last two years of his life. Van Gogh's landscapes, still lifes, portraits, and self-portraits are characterized by vibrant contrasts of complementary colors and expressive brushwork, and his abstract, linear planes were inspired by the Japanese prints Van Gogh collected and admired. His innovations contributed to the foundations of modern art. Van Gogh's images often reflect personal symbolism, experiences, and emotions he discussed in correspondence with family and friends. He expressed a desire to communicate joy and comfort through his art and aspired to gather a community of like-minded artists in southern France. Van Gogh did not achieve commercial success in his lifetime and relied on financial support from his brother, Theo van Gogh. His life was shaped by severe depression and episodes of acute psychological distress. Van Gogh committed suicide at the age of 37. The son of a Dutch Reformed minister, Van Gogh was serious, quiet and thoughtful as a child. He began drawing at an early age and as a young man worked as an art dealer, often traveling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion and spent time as a Protestant missionary in southern Belgium. He drifted in ill health and solitude before taking up painting in 1881, having returned home to his parents. His younger brother Theo supported him financially; the two kept a long correspondence by letter, which, when published, contributed to his growing posthumous reputation as an artist. His early works, mostly still lifes and depictions of peasant laborers, contain few signs of the vivid color that distinguish his later work. In 1886, Van Gogh moved to Paris where he met members of the avant-garde, including Émile Bernard and Paul Gauguin, who were reacting against the Impressionist sensibility. As his work developed he created a new approach to still life and landscape. His paintings grew brighter as he developed a style that became fully realised during his stay in Arles in the South of France in 1888. During this period he broadened his subject matter to include series of olive trees, wheat fields and sunflowers. Van Gogh suffered from mental illness, psychotic episodes, delusions and, although he worried about his mental stability, often neglected his physical health, did not eat properly, and drank heavily. His friendship with Gauguin ended after a confrontation between the two when, in a rage, Van Gogh severed a part of his own left ear with a razor. After, he spent time in psychiatric hospitals, including a period at Saint-Rémy. Once he discharged himself and moved to the Auberge Ravoux in Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris, he came under the care of the homeopathic doctor Paul Gachet. His depression persisted and on 27 July 1890, Van Gogh is believed to have shot himself in the chest with a revolver, dying from his injuries two days later, with his brother Theo at his side. Van Gogh's paintings did not sell during his lifetime, during which he was generally considered a madman and a failure, although some collectors recognized the value of his work. His fame came only after his death. Scholars increasingly have recognized the role of Vincent's sister-in-law Jo Bonger-Van Gogh for shaping and promoting his reputation as an artist. He evolved in the public imagination into a misunderstood genius. His reputation grew in the early 20th century as elements of his style came to be incorporated by the Fauves and German Expressionists. He attained widespread critical and commercial success over the ensuing decades, and is remembered as an important but tragic painter whose troubled personality typifies the romantic ideal of the tortured artist. Today, Van Gogh's works are among the world's most expensive paintings to have ever sold, and his legacy is honoured by the Van Gogh Museum established by the Dutch government in Amsterdam, which holds the world's largest collection of his paintings and drawings. They were originally held by his brother Theo and inherited by Theo's wife, Jo Bonger-Van Gogh, who shrewdly kept Vincent's best works.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Alpha wave

Alpha waves, or the alpha rhythm, are neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz likely originating from the synchronous and coherent (in phase or constructive) electrical activity of thalamic pacemaker cells in humans. Historically, they are also called "Berger's waves" after Hans Berger, who first described them when he invented the EEG in 1924. Alpha waves are one type of brain waves detected by electrophysiological and closely related methods, such as by electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG), and can be quantified using quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG). They can be predominantly recorded from the occipital lobes during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes and were the earliest brain rhythm recorded in humans. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes and sleep, while they are enhanced during drowsiness. Historically, they were thought to represent the activity of the visual cortex in an idle state. More recent papers have argued that they inhibit areas of the cortex not in use, or alternatively that they play an active role in network coordination and communication. Occipital alpha waves during periods of eyes closed are the strongest EEG brain signals.

Nature art

“If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects. Because those defects are a part of the person. Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you simply love.” – Osho “People say love is blind because they do not know what love is. I say unto you, only love has eyes; other than love, everything is blind.” – Osho 15. “Commit as many mistakes as possible, remembering only one thing: don’t commit the same mistake again. And you will be growing.” – Osho

Art photography of rose

“Become alert. Relationship destroys love, destroys the very possibility of its birth.” – Osho “Love needs immense consciousness. Love is a meeting of two souls, and lust is the meeting of two bodies. Lust is animal; love is divine. But unless you know that you are a soul, you cannot understand what love is.” – Osho “Yes, I would like you to love yourself, because unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. You don’t know what love is if you have not loved yourself.” – Osho

Abstract painting

“Courage is a love affair with the unknown.” – Osho “Lovers never surrender to each other, lovers simply surrender to love.” – Osho “Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.” – Osho “Only laughter makes a man rich, but the laughter has to be blissful.” – Osho

Abstract art

“Love is a by-product of meditation.” – Osho “Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.” – Osho “Be a lotus flower. Be in the water, and do not let the water touch you.” – Osho “A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.” – Osho “Love is the goal, life is the journey.” – Osho

Fractal art

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” Osho “Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.” Osho “The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” Osho

Red color

Red is the color at the long wavelength end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It has a dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometres. It is a primary color in the RGB color model and a secondary color (made from magenta and yellow) in the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy. Red pigment made from ochre was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art. The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans colored their faces red in ceremonies; Roman generals had their bodies colored red to celebrate victories. It was also an important color in China, where it was used to color early pottery and later the gates and walls of palaces.: 60–61  In the Renaissance, the brilliant red costumes for the nobility and wealthy were dyed with kermes and cochineal. The 19th century brought the introduction of the first synthetic red dyes, which replaced the traditional dyes. Red became a symbolic color of communism and socialism; Soviet Russia adopted a red flag following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1993. Communist China adopted the red flag following the Chinese Revolution of 1949. It was adopted by North Vietnam in 1954, and by all of Vietnam in 1975. Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color symbolizing happiness and good fortune.


“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought.” “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” “Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world.” “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” “Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.” “Dance until you shatter yourself.” “It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open.” “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” “What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.” Rumi

Flower photo

“I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.” “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” “And so it is, that both the devil and the angelic spirits present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice.” “Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.” “I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.” “When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.” “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” “I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.” “Be full of sorrow, that you may become a hill of joy; weep, that you may break into laughter.” “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion. Bewilderment brings intuitive knowledge.” Rumi

Mandala art

“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?” “The Prophets accept all agony and trust it. For the water has never feared the fire.” “Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise.” “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” “Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.” “Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.” “There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?” “Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.” “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” Rumi

Green color

Green is the color between cyan and yellow on the visible spectrum. It is evoked by light which has a dominant wavelength of roughly 495–570 nm. In subtractive color systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll, the chemical by which plants photosynthesize and convert sunlight into chemical energy. Many creatures have adapted to their green environments by taking on a green hue themselves as camouflage. Several minerals have a green color, including the emerald, which is colored green by its chromium content. During post-classical and early modern Europe, green was the color commonly associated with wealth, merchants, bankers and the gentry, while red was reserved for the nobility. For this reason, the costume of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the benches in the British House of Commons are green while those in the House of Lords are red. It also has a long historical tradition as the color of Ireland and of Gaelic culture. It is the historic color of Islam, representing the lush vegetation of Paradise. It was the color of the banner of Muhammad, and is found in the flags of nearly all Islamic countries. In surveys made in American, European, and Islamic countries, green is the color most commonly associated with nature, life, health, youth, spring, hope, and envy. In the European Union and the United States, green is also sometimes associated with toxicity and poor health, but in China and most of Asia, its associations are very positive, as the symbol of fertility and happiness. Because of its association with nature, it is the color of the environmental movement. Political groups advocating environmental protection and social justice describe themselves as part of the Green movement, some naming themselves Green parties. This has led to similar campaigns in advertising, as companies have sold green, or environmentally friendly, products. Green is also the traditional color of safety and permission; a green light means go ahead, a green card permits permanent residence in the United States.

Natural lines, abstract painting

“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” “There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.” “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” “This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” “Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes.” “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.” “If the foot of the trees were not tied to earth, they would be pursuing me. For I have blossomed so much, I am the envy of the gardens.” “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Rumi

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Blue color

Blue is one of the three primary colours in the RYB colour model (traditional colour theory), as well as in the RGB (additive) colour model. It lies between violet and cyan on the spectrum of visible light. The eye perceives blue when observing light with a dominant wavelength between approximately 450 and 495 nanometres. Most blues contain a slight mixture of other colours; azure contains some green, while ultramarine contains some violet. The clear daytime sky and the deep sea appear blue because of an optical effect known as Rayleigh scattering. An optical effect called Tyndall effect explains blue eyes. Distant objects appear more blue because of another optical effect called aerial perspective. Blue has been an important colour in art and decoration since ancient times. The semi-precious stone lapis lazuli was used in ancient Egypt for jewellery and ornament and later, in the Renaissance, to make the pigment ultramarine, the most expensive of all pigments. In the eighth century Chinese artists used cobalt blue to colour fine blue and white porcelain. In the Middle Ages, European artists used it in the windows of cathedrals. Europeans wore clothing coloured with the vegetable dye woad until it was replaced by the finer indigo from America. In the 19th century, synthetic blue dyes and pigments gradually replaced organic dyes and mineral pigments. Dark blue became a common colour for military uniforms and later, in the late 20th century, for business suits. Because blue has commonly been associated with harmony, it was chosen as the colour of the flags of the United Nations and the European Union. Surveys in the US and Europe show that blue is the colour most commonly associated with harmony, faithfulness, confidence, distance, infinity, the imagination, cold, and occasionally with sadness.[4] In US and European public opinion polls it is the most popular colour, chosen by almost half of both men and women as their favourite colour.[5] The same surveys also showed that blue was the colour most associated with the masculine, just ahead of black, and was also the colour most associated with intelligence, knowledge, calm, and concentration.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

New mandala painting

Sand flower mandala

Meditation music

Theta waves meditation music

Saturday, August 6, 2022

New mandala painting

Moon flower mandala

Thursday, August 4, 2022

First Chakra Mandala Poster

Paper Type: Value Poster Paper (Matte) Your walls are a reflection of your personality, so let them speak with your favorite quotes, art, or designs printed on our custom Giclee posters! Choose from up to 5 unique, high quality paper types to meet your creative or business needs. All are great options that feature a smooth surface with vibrant full color printing. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Browse through standard or custom size posters and framing options to create art that’s a perfect representation of you. Gallery quality Giclee prints Ideal for vibrant artwork and photo reproduction Matte finish with an acid-free smooth surface Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing 45 lb., 7.5 point thick poster paper Available in custom sizing up to 60” Custom framing options available when poster is added to cart

Water flower Mandala Poster

Paper Type: Value Poster Paper (Matte) Your walls are a reflection of your personality, so let them speak with your favorite quotes, art, or designs printed on our custom Giclee posters! Choose from up to 5 unique, high quality paper types to meet your creative or business needs. All are great options that feature a smooth surface with vibrant full color printing. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Browse through standard or custom size posters and framing options to create art that’s a perfect representation of you. Gallery quality Giclee prints Ideal for vibrant artwork and photo reproduction Matte finish with an acid-free smooth surface Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing 45 lb., 7.5 point thick poster paper Available in custom sizing up to 60” Custom framing options available when poster is added to cart

Flaming flower mandala poster

Paper Type: Value Poster Paper (Matte) Your walls are a reflection of your personality, so let them speak with your favorite quotes, art, or designs printed on our custom Giclee posters! Choose from up to 5 unique, high quality paper types to meet your creative or business needs. All are great options that feature a smooth surface with vibrant full color printing. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Browse through standard or custom size posters and framing options to create art that’s a perfect representation of you. Gallery quality Giclee prints Ideal for vibrant artwork and photo reproduction Matte finish with an acid-free smooth surface Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing 45 lb., 7.5 point thick poster paper Available in custom sizing up to 60” Custom framing options available when poster is added to cart

Flower canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Multicolor canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Abstract canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Monday, August 1, 2022

Agate table lamp

Style: Table Lamp Brighten up any room with this custom table lamp from Lamp-In-A-Box. Dimensions: 20"h x 7"w; Weight: 2 lbs. 120 Volt; Up to 60-watt incandescent light bulb (bulb not included) Available in film polyester, rice paper, and linen lamp Printed with state-of-the-art 14 color vibrant printing with fade resistant ink Includes a 6’ Power Cord with 2-prong USA plug and pull chain This product is recommended for ages 8+. Designer Tip: To ensure the highest quality print, please note that this product’s customizable design area measures 8.9"x 22". For best results please add 3/4" bleed. /!\ WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.

Colorful flower table lamp

Style: Table Lamp Brighten up any room with this custom table lamp from Lamp-In-A-Box. Dimensions: 20"h x 7"w; Weight: 2 lbs. 120 Volt; Up to 60-watt incandescent light bulb (bulb not included) Available in film polyester, rice paper, and linen lamp Printed with state-of-the-art 14 color vibrant printing with fade resistant ink Includes a 6’ Power Cord with 2-prong USA plug and pull chain This product is recommended for ages 8+. Designer Tip: To ensure the highest quality print, please note that this product’s customizable design area measures 8.9"x 22". For best results please add 3/4" bleed. /!\ WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.

Crystals table lamp

Style: Table Lamp Brighten up any room with this custom table lamp from Lamp-In-A-Box. Dimensions: 20"h x 7"w; Weight: 2 lbs. 120 Volt; Up to 60-watt incandescent light bulb (bulb not included) Available in film polyester, rice paper, and linen lamp Printed with state-of-the-art 14 color vibrant printing with fade resistant ink Includes a 6’ Power Cord with 2-prong USA plug and pull chain This product is recommended for ages 8+. Designer Tip: To ensure the highest quality print, please note that this product’s customizable design area measures 8.9"x 22". For best results please add 3/4" bleed. /!\ WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.

Abstract waves canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Whirl canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Pop art canvas print

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), photos and artwork will be printed at the highest resolution, preserving all their original detail and their full-color spectrum. Gallery quality Giclee prints Available in multiple standard and custom sizes Archival quality paper Pigment-based inks for full-color spectrum high-resolution printing Special ink-receptive coating to protect printed surface from cracking when stretching Made with a tight weave ideal for crisp printing of photography and fine art

Agate wall clock

Style: Square Wall Clock Made for any wall, this clock is vibrantly printed with AcryliPrint®HD process to ensure the highest quality display of any content. Order this custom square wall clock for your home or give to friends and family as a gift for a timeless treasure. Size 10.75" x 10.75" Material: Grade-A acrylic One AA battery required (not included) Add photos, artwork, and text Indoor use only, not recommended for outdoor use

Mandala wall clock

Style: Square Wall Clock Made for any wall, this clock is vibrantly printed with AcryliPrint®HD process to ensure the highest quality display of any content. Order this custom square wall clock for your home or give to friends and family as a gift for a timeless treasure. Size 10.75" x 10.75" Material: Grade-A acrylic One AA battery required (not included) Add photos, artwork, and text Indoor use only, not recommended for outdoor use

Flower wall clock

Style: Square Wall Clock Made for any wall, this clock is vibrantly printed with AcryliPrint®HD process to ensure the highest quality display of any content. Order this custom square wall clock for your home or give to friends and family as a gift for a timeless treasure. Size 10.75" x 10.75" Material: Grade-A acrylic One AA battery required (not included) Add photos, artwork, and text Indoor use only, not recommended for outdoor use

Saturday, July 30, 2022