
Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to use Mandalas in meditation

Mandala Meditation


   The eastern practice of Mandala meditation has been used for centuries as an effective tool in calming the soul and clearing the mind of clutter. Mandala meditation is for the beginner and the long-time meditater alike. It may be of particular utility to those that have difficulty sitting still and being in the moment, as concentrating on an object helps to focus energy inside the present self. As in all meditation practices, there is no right or wrong way. Your practice should serve your particular needs and being overly concerned with rules defeats the original purpose of suspending the logical mind. The steps below are intended as an introduction to the practice of mandala meditation.

  Blue-violet Mandala

   First hang your mandala on a wall in a well lit spot where you can comfortably do your meditation practice. The center of the mandala should be at eye level and about two feet away from you when you are seated in front of it. You can also choose to place your mandala on an easel if you would like the option of mobility but you may find that the creation of a sacred space will help you to get in the desired frame of mind. In the eastern tradition, various objects, arranged according to principles of feng shui, have been used in meditation spaces. These typically include a balance of items with masculine of feminine qualities, flowers, incense and candles. Include any objects that have personal meaning to you or that you feel will help you to quiet your mind.

    Sit in a comfortable position. The lotus pose is ideal for meditation practice, as it is believed to bring the mind and body into harmony. To do, sit cross-legged with your spine straight. If you are doing this correctly, you should feel an imaginary line running straight from your tail bone up through your head. Shoulders should be relaxed but not rounded or hunched. Relax hands on your knees, palm side up. A pillow or folded blanket can be used to sit on, if desired. If the lotus position is painful, do not force yourself into it. As an alternative, you can sit on the edge of a chair, spine erect. Use whatever pose is comfortable, just so long as you maintain good posture. If you have difficulty keeping your spine straight, try sitting with your back against a wall.

    Close your eyes. Breathe in through the nose, letting the breath flow naturally up from the diaphragm, filling the lungs and spreading into the head before releasing out through the mouth. Take deep, even breaths, feeling the slowing rhythms of your body as you do so. Feel your body relax, let tension go. As thoughts arise or you become aware of physical distractions, simply acknowledge them and then let them go. Do not attempt to force thoughts from your head or feelings from your body. Accept them as part of the experience. Visualize the mandala and focus your energy into your heart until you can feel your energy flowing between your heart and the center of the mandala. Keep breathing and stay still and centered until you are ready to open your eyes.

    Gaze at your mandala with slightly unfocused eyes. Keep breathing, deeply and evenly, letting the oxygen flow in and the toxins flow out. Look deeply into the center of the mandala, trying to blink as little as possible. Don't focus on the details of the mandala, but just keep your sight right in the center and observe the image as a whole. Next, allow yourself to notice the various elements of the mandala. You may be attracted to certain images, patterns and colors. Let your thoughts come and go as you gaze.

    Focus your eyes and start visually exploring the mandala, beginning with the outer parts and moving inward toward the center. Go slowly, taking in as much as you can before moving on. The mandala holds the power of unity, healing, balance and wholeness. The center is where the crux of this power lies. Use whichever concept speaks to you as you focus intently on the center. Once again, explore the energy flow between the heart and the center of the mandala. Close your eyes and feel the harmony within. Allow yourself to feel whatever the mandala is sending to you. Open your eyes when you feel ready. Repeat your journey through the mandala once more, if you wish.

Spirit of flower Mandala