
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mandala amulet with Second chakra mandala

Second Chakra Mandala amulet

Print of original Mandala painting in vintage pendant.

This is Second Chakra Mandala.

Necklace is amulet too.

Swadhisthana is described as a black lotus, with six vermillion-colored petals which have the following syllables written on them in the colour of lightning: बं baṃ, भं bhaṃ, मं maṃ, यं yaṃ, रं raṃ and लं laṃ.
Inside this lotus is a white crescent moon, formed by two different sized inner circles, one inside the other. The crescent moon is the water region presided over by Varuna, who is white in color, four-armed, holds a noose and is seated on a crocodile. The two inner circles also have petals; the larger one eight outward facing petals, and the smaller one eight inward facing petals.
The seed mantra, located in the innermost circle, is a moon-white वं vaṃ. Within the bindu, or dot, above the mantra is the deity Vishnu. He is dark blue, wears a yellow dhoti, and holds a conch, a mace, a wheel and a lotus. He wears the shriwatsa mark, and the koustabha gem. He is seated either on a pink lotus, or on the divine eagle Garuda. His Shakti is the goddess Rakini (or Chakini). She is black, dressed in red or white, seated on a red lotus. She is either one faced and two armed, holding a sword and a shield, or two faced and four armed, holding a trident, lotus, drum and vajra, or an arrow, skull, drum and axe.

The six petals represent the following modes of consciousness, also known as vrittis: affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious, and with emotion. It is closely related to the Muladhara in that Swadhisthana is where the different samskaras (potential karmas), lie dormant, and Muladhara is where these samskaras find expression. It is associated with the element of water, the sense of taste, and the act of procreation.
Swadhisthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desire, and it is said, to raise the kundalini shakti (energy of consciousness) above Swadhisthana is extremely difficult for this reason. Many saints have had to face the sexual temptations associated with this chakra.
One who meditates on Swadhisthana is believed to obtain the following siddhis or occult powers: freedom from enemies; the status of a lord among yogis; eloquence and clarity (words flowing like nectar in well-reasoned discourse); loss of fear of water; awareness of astral entities; and the ability to taste anything desired for oneself or others.