Diamond Gemstone meaning
The diamond is the hardest gemstone and one of the most valued.
It does come in yellowish colors, green and blue, but the clear or
white is the most used in jewelry. Most diamonds come from South Africa.
It is said diamonds are good for coughs and mucus problems.
Diamonds are the symbol of innocence and constancy. Diamonds
have been prized as Crown jewels. They are used today as an engagement
Healing properties of diamond
Diamond does not have a specific healing nature. It does
supplement the energy of other gemstones. The Diamond will increase the
power of the Emerald and the Amethyst to a higher level. Healers often
have rings or necklaces set with Diamonds surrounding the Amethyst.
Care must be used when wearing a Diamond necklace as it can block the
energy flow if the wearer has negative thoughts or feelings.